Tuesday, August 25, 2009

... I decide it's time for a vacation

And as much as a trip across the pond to grey, gloomy London would be more depressing than seeing yet another Michael Jackson Special Tribute on TV, I have decided to take a vacation from life and those around me.

It's not actually quite as dramatic as it sounds, really.

I've just come to the realization that I need to pull myself toward myself. I've forgotten who I used to be. I need to focus on my short and long term goals and I need to start regaining my independence.

As such, I shall be pulling myself away from social networking and blogging and friends and beverage houses of ill repute. Not forever, mind you, for that would be a very long time. Just long enough that I can be once again centered, useful, worthwhile, and above all, HAPPY.

This is going to be a vacation like no other.

See you when I get back.

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