Monday, October 4, 2010

I wouldn't be caught dead...

Odd thing, fairs in parks. Fun pony rides, great food. And hayrides in a cemetery.

As a kid growing up in South Africa, we had the fun fair make its annual pilgrimage to my small village. My sister and I would look forward to it for weeks and when the big night arrived our eyes would light up like many of the rides. Lots of fun, lots of candy floss, sticky fingers and the anticipation of our final ride for the night: the LOOPING STAR.

But nowaday, here in Pittsburgh, apparenty kids can look forward to such fun things as a hayride in a cemetery!Somewhat macabre, no?


  1. They are things with stuff between two things. Like marshmallows between two crackers. It's a very campfire thing to eat S'mores. Delicious. I should send you some, from our Posting Boxes.
