In the past year, my locks have been shaved, grown, bleached, and blow dried. I'm amazed they still insist on bursting out from the follicles in such a constant manner.
But they have started to grow, they look relatively healthy and I've decided to let them stay that way.
During my last visit, the hair stylist guy asked me, "Just how grey are you?"
Mmmmm, not very, just starting actually, except for the back by my neck where they seem to spring out in full force, like an alien attack on earth.
I think he asked because my hair has changed color so many times that I don't even really know what my natural color is. My mother has golden blond locks, my father has mousy brown. So I guess that means I'm somewhere in between - a color much like the gunk that gets stuck in the plug hole of your kitchen sink when your garbage disposal isn't working.
Nice. Attractive. Paint it hair stylist guy. Make it look natural by doing something fake to it. Go on, make my hair look good. I double dare you.
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