'H' as in HAPPY.
And many things make me happy. For example, when the leaves start turning at the end of summer and the ground is covered in golds and yellows and oranges and reds. Or seeing a photo from the latest group of photos sent to me from my sister of my niece.
It makes me happy to see old couples walking hand-in-hand because it restores my faith in hope.
When I make someone smile, or laugh, it makes me happy knowing that I have brought some happiness to them.
Or hearing the excitement in my sister's voice when I make a random trans-Atlantic phone call, just to say 'hi'.
Getting a B in college made me happy because I had worked my tail off to get that grade.
It's the little things that make me happy, but sometimes, just sometimes, that's not enough. But someone recently told me that unless I was happy, I couldn't make others happy.
I'm far from perfect, and I'm happy with that. I make the most of what I have, and I'm happy with that. But to be happier, I need to sit, meditate, and work out what makes me happy again. It's time to start sharing some of the 'H'.
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