A good friend mine, out there in the most beautiful city in the world, insisted with much heated insistence that I listen to the streaming online version of 702 Talk Radio.
In this online broadcast, a South African doctor was talking to a caller about his bad breath. The doc went on to explain how HALI-TOSIS is a disease of the mouth that cause "germs of the bad brith" and that this caller might want to be obsessive about his oral hygiene. In his most wonderful Sith Ifrikin accent, the doc told the listener that he might want to consider brushing his teeth 4, 5 even 6 times.
What an embarrassing thing to talk about, never mind have.
Imagine sitting opposite a beauty at a table, you open your mouth to tell her how beautiful her eyes are and suddenly they grow into huge circles as their face turns green as your breath makes them pass out. Unfortunate.
Next topic on the 702 Talk of Medical Shame? Piles with intermittent bleeding.
Thanks WRM for that gem of a thing to listen to.
Prof Harry is a gem, essential Tuesday night radyee-yo lissining in Southeffry-kuh.