No wailing sirens, no flashing lights. But it was an ER visit, nonetheless.
We went to St. Clair Hospital where they pride themselves on being fastER, nicER, quickER (get it, all the ERs, as in Emergency Room?). Kudos to them for having the only ER that doesn't look like an ER. Instead, it looks like the lobby of a 3 or 4 star hotel.
So in goes my friend and he explains to the patient doc how he has had pain in his shoulders, tingling in his feet and hands, and some slight facial paralysis. They drew some blood - as they normally do - for tests. Then they made him climb into one of those embarrassing hospital gowns, you the kind that are gaping open at the back so you can flash your ass to the world. Then they stuck a HUGE ass needle into his spine to draw fluid. He said it didn't hurt but I know he's lying. Someone jabs something long and pointy into your spine, it's gonna hurt.
Anyway, long story short, turns out he has this nerve thing that in rare cases could leave him paralyzed and on a ventilator. Now that's enough to make even Arnie Schwarzenneger pee his pants. So they're admitting him and having him see the Neurologist in the morning. Scary shit, I tell ya.
Will keep you updated.
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