I received a call on my celery phone on Tuesday from the temp agency I signed up with. The short chat went something like this:
"Hey, so those interviews you went on, they liked you and want to know if you'd be interested in temping with them."
"Great, can you start tomorrow?"
Now this temp job is a simple one. I answer the phone (and people here always seem to get a kick out of my accent), I do the filing, I fill out the mail log when the mail comes in, and I log out the mail when it's sent out. I take messages for people when the people they want to speak to don't want to speak to them.
I realized that over the years I have learned computer skills, I have done my own filing, I have customer service experience, so I figured, "Why the heck not?!" The money isn't really amazing but it pays the bills. And it's a temp position - they feel I might die of boredom there.
Mmmmm, not so much from the boredom mate. That picture on the wall might kill me, but not the boredom. I keep myself busy.
But it's sooooooooo quiet in this office. You can hear a pin drop. When the front desk phone rings, you can hear it ring through the office. I work with six women. And an old man. And no one says a word. Very, very different to working in an advertising saltmine, trust me.
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